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To create and maintain good health and vitality in life, we need not only to learn ways to eliminate stress and create balance in our outer environment but to also create balance from within.


Your inner world creates your outer world

The human body is designed to adapt to change and self-regulate. When we cannot adapt  efficiently, the muscles will reflect the stress. This stress creates patterns that kinesiologists can assess using muscle monitoring techniques.

Kinesiologists look for the subtle, imbalances that lie behind physical, mental and emotional problems. Kinesiology therapy aims to stimulate the body’s subtle energy system so that untapped healing potential can be realised.            


Are you ready for change
Muscles and nerves, mind and beliefs, cells and consciousness, structure and spirit, emotions and thoughts are all energy that Kinesiology can tap into and lead to transformation.


My mission is :

To restore the body to its natural state of health thus maintain a state of vibrant health

and happiness

To reduce stress at the physical, mental or emotional level

To remove hidden blockages or behaviours that stop achievement of life goals
To provide a drug free alternative for better health and a better quality of life.


How will Kinesiology help me?

Check out the youtube video 

by Phillipa Huynh

Published on Dec 12, 2017 for AKA 


Create your inner balance with Kinesiology

Welcome to your health ......... your life ......... your dreams


  • Enhance learning & memory

  • Release physical, emotional or mental pain

  • Reduce anxiety or stress

  • Reduce fatigue

  • Boost your immune system

  • Improve digestive issues  

  • Improve sleep

  • Achieve goals

  • Improve work, sports performance

  • Improve relationships

  • Ring 0421 418 744
    to discuss your issues

Available Treatments

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